Why we lie to ourselves- Cognitive Biases Part 1
Brain Rules- 12 ways to hack your brain to better thinking.
Lotteries- a pocket full of hope but poison for mental and financial health.
Navigating transitions, chaos, and change- finding your story while keeping your sanity
Bowling Alone- The collapse and revival of American community.
Lost Connections- Beating back depression through meaningful relationships
Blue Mind- how just being near water heals you
Mental Health Music Jam part 3- Musicals to lift your soul
Mental Health Music Jam part 2- The Millennials Strike Back
Mental health music jam- part 1- the oldies but goodies.
Do animals get depressed? A review of Animal Madness
The Mental Health Film Festival
Mental health through your nose and skin
Hypnotism- Mind control or valuable therapeutic tool?
Edith Eger- the psychologist who survived Auschwitz and conquered her past
Mister Rogers- The beacon of kindness for the 20th century.
Dr. Phil- America's shrink or talk show bully and exploiter?
Sigmund Freud- the man who transformed mental health
Ten professions with that can make people suicidal. How do we help these essential workers?
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying