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Mental health and why weight problems start with your thoughts.
Fasting- can literally starving yourself break the obesity code?
Take the chicken test- or are ya chicken?
The $71 Billion dollar photo and the diet industry
Drugs, side effects, and weight gain
Test your egg knowledge with this little quiz.
Cell phones and apps- nutrition tech could save us all.
You can't work off those double cheeseburgers at the gym!
Potatoes, taters, spuds and yams
Fiber in foods- Your tongue is a big fat liar- listen to your gut!
It's 3 AM. Want a cookie? You know you do...
Goals, goal setting, and still enjoying the now.
How Not to Die
Confusion from the sea- what's okay to eat?
Good fats? Bad fats? How do you tell the difference?
The set point and how it changes everything in weight management.
Wait just a damned minute- vaccines don't work on obese people?
Obese canaries in the Pacific. What happened?
Sugar- the other addictive white powder.
Food Fix- a prescription for our sick food system.
Thirsty? How about a refreshing drink? How your drinks can make you sick.
Corn- America's food hero or food villain?
Five reasons that counting calories is trickier than it seems.
The food pyramid is BS!
The Big Idea Weight Loss Challenge
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