Think outside your brain- how to recapture 99% of your mental potential.
How to tell your inner critic to shut the F#@k Up!
The seven-year-old who knocked it out of the park
Hang in there- the story isn't over yet
The mental health anthem that's the most powerful song ever
Surviving Death
Post Corona- How will our world change?
Why we need consequences for being wrogn
Subliminal - An entire world that both saves us and deceives us
The World Happiness Report and the secret sauce of Scandinavia
How to not be an emotional moron. What quadrant are you in right now?
Normalcy Bias- the Pandemic's biggest killer
Beating the Loneliness Epidemic- straight from the US Surgeon General
The Galvins of Colorado- Six schizophrenic sons and a treasure trove of data for researchers
25 Christmas and Holiday songs, videos and stories that will lift up your soul.
Who are the suckers who fall for self-deceptions? We are. Cognitive biases part 4
Do we have an elephant in our brains?
Think like a monk, not a monkey
Why are we lying to ourselves? Cognitive biases part 3
Cognitive biases Part 2- pulling back the curtain on why our brains lie to us.
Why we lie to ourselves- Cognitive Biases Part 1
Brain Rules- 12 ways to hack your brain to better thinking.
Lotteries- a pocket full of hope but poison for mental and financial health.
Navigating transitions, chaos, and change- finding your story while keeping your sanity
Bowling Alone- The collapse and revival of American community.
Lost Connections- Beating back depression through meaningful relationships
Blue Mind- how just being near water heals you
Mental Health Music Jam part 3- Musicals to lift your soul
Mental Health Music Jam part 2- The Millennials Strike Back
Mental health music jam- part 1- the oldies but goodies.
Do animals get depressed? A review of Animal Madness
The Mental Health Film Festival
Mental health through your nose and skin
Hypnotism- Mind control or valuable therapeutic tool?
Edith Eger- the psychologist who survived Auschwitz and conquered her past
Mister Rogers- The beacon of kindness for the 20th century.
Dr. Phil- America's shrink or talk show bully and exploiter?
Sigmund Freud- the man who transformed mental health
Ten professions with that can make people suicidal. How do we help these essential workers?
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying
Tribalism and elections- are politics driving us crazy?
Your pet can literally save your life, just like Lassie here.
Jump start your brain by moving your body.
The Hilarious World of Depression
Fighting fire with funnies- how to escape the darkness with laughter.
Stigma. What's wrong with you? Can I catch it? Why stigma makes us weaker and disconnected.
Are people generally good? or bad? or maybe a little bit of both?
Mental Illness Treatments- we've come a long way
Mental Illnesses- The Top 12 ways we make ourselves miserable.
Covid Mental Health Challenge #2- My depression story